















冬コミお疲れ様でした&今年もよろしくお願いします: 新年明けてしまって昨日の話になってしまいましたが







もうすぐ冬コミどすなぁ: という訳で京都弁で雅にスタートですよ





ウチの新刊以外にpulupulu punchさんの新刊




Kristin Farrell

Kristin Farrell:

Kristin Farrell

James Glendinning

James Glendinning:

James Glendinning


EVERYTHING STOPS FOR TEA: Some rather, let's say 'specialist' dolls/figurines that may have to be hidden from sight when Aunt Maude pops round for morning coffee!

Apparantly made by a company called 3Dism Yamaura Corporation, I have tried to find a website but failed miserably. What I did however discover was how absolutely massive a hobby collecting these Japanese doll figures is!

A review of 2011

A review of 2011:

Well as this year goes out here is the review of this girl’s year of pervertery, with a bit about each month and a quote from the first blog of each month also! Feel free to browse the archives and the photo galleries for more info if you want to!


This girl started the year reading too much into things (a frequent habit!)

“This girl feels bad though that maybe people come here expecting to read about some insane kinky life. Honestly it’s not the case. There are splashes here and there , well in fact, let’s face it , great big fucking dives into madness, but that just can’t be maintained all the time”

Grimly made himself a birthday-cake stand which had a built-in fuck machine and also caused electric shocks if the table was upset!


“This girl probably writes about keeping the balance between bdsm and a normal life too much, but for possibly good or bad it’s something that she has to jiggle this year even more so than before given the wedding plans, and, maybe its important to show that doing bdsm all the time just isn’t realistic unless you really do not have very many work or family responsibilities.”

Maintaining the balance between kink and normality was incredibly difficult this year with everything going on from dress fittings and planning church order of services, but somehow or other it was managed!

This girl also wrote about wedding plans fitting round submission for the resource site Submissive Guide.


Traditionally question and answer month :-

The questions were :

What is the impact of e-stim pads on you when in bondage? I can see a little appeal in having some muscles involuntarily being made to twitch, but is there more to it than that?

”Since you brought up the electric play and interrogation, I don’t think I’ve seen you write about creating a situation where you had information that Grimly wanted. I guess something like hiding the hat of his you loathe, and having him torture it’s location might be the kind of “battle of wills” you might engage in”

My Master and I have had to move a couple of times, so our collection of play toys has been depleted severely. I was wondering what you consider the essentials for a good scene and where to find good quality for a good price?

Hi, i understood you,re into medical, although it may not be too related, but i was wondering if you ever had an experience with diapers? I would also like to here what you think about the general idea of bdsm & diapers.

i read about the inspiring idea of the video goggles where you can also watch yourself in real-time, did you get to try it (watching yourself) and how was it?

Now that you have been with Grimly for some time, and he is so good at coming up with ways to restrain you, do you still struggle with the restraints trying to get free, or do you know from experience that it is not possible so you don’t try? How about when pain is applied? Do you ever panic and really test the restraints?

how has you pain tolerance been affected sense you began BDSM? Also when you first met grimly, if he were to put you through a session like the ones you can stand now, how much would your pain and pleasure be different than now?

Have you ever done any predicament bondage with ballet boots? Like walking on a treadmill with your arms in a single glove?

This girl had some puppy play ……

and also met fellow blogger trinity pup and her dom Single Glove for the first time and also met up with friends Geetwo and Maxi again.

and the month finished with an interview with a sadist!


Ollie chucked in a last-minute question - A lot of what you and Grimly do seems to have a vibe very similar to what they’re doing over at the House of Gord. Is Gord one of your sources of inspiration? What’s your opinion of H.o.G.?

This girl had some fun with her MGF (which is now off the road for the winter :( )

and made a new friend – Ceri.


This girl wrote about long distance relationships for Submissive Guide.

and she wrote about the fun she had with Alternative Mindsets, Geetwo and Maxi, Grimly, Ceri and Captive Kink at the pony fields in Wales.

This girl also had some fun experimenting with contact lenses and started burlesque classes which ran on for six weeks and were a great deal of fun!


Wedding plans picked up some speed, and Grimly met this girl’s bridesmaid for the first time.

“Yep. It’s been once hell of a stressful 7 days! From bad news at work, to family stress right down to stupid little niggily things, but it was a very good weekend!”

Therefore it was actually very good to have a bit of breathing space after the rushing around and planning :

This girl’s blog was 5!


Canada was very much in Grimly and this girl’s minds in 2011 since back in July they were in the process of planning their honeymoon there! So July started with wishing Canadian readers a happy Canada day.

“Just a quick one to wish all you Canadians out there a happy Canada Day! Especially to Mr & Mrs JG Leathers, STEFFY , Padme & Annakin and all the other canadian folks this girl and Grimly met on their last trip :)

This girl also wrote a short story – TOM:boy and tried out some evil nipple magnets.


This girl wrote about brain conditioning again -

“That’s why the brainwashing idea works well as a fantasy because whilst she knows she is actually submissive deep down it helps to think it has been brainwashing into her against her will as though she has been powerless to stop it, and for a part of it, she has.”

Also in August she visited with Trinity Pup at Captive Kink’s. Take a look at the August and September archives for some great pictures!


On the 10th of September this girl and Grimly got married and also hand-fasted whilst on honeymoon in Canada on the 17th.

“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love”

As part of the Honeymoon this girl got to try the Creature again, visit Serious Bondage in San Francisco during Folsom Street weekend, visit Whistler and also visit with Rubbert and LadyM on Vancouver Island. So much happened she hasn’t had time to write about it all yet!


This girl tried to make a start on writing up her honeymoon adventures – difficult as they were so action packed!

“Well the honeymoon is over and this girl has been delivered back to reality with a bump. Thank you to everyone who helped make it so special and also to those who have left words of support and encouragement from afar.”

Grimly and this girl also went to a very fun halloween party in Whitby, home of Bram Stoker.


This girl wrote up about her adventures at Folsom Street :-

“Back in September whilst they were on honeymoon this girl and Grimly went to the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco and were lucky enough to spend a few days either side with the lovely people at Serious Bondage.”

and also about her revenge on JG Leathers ;) as well as her own go in the Creature.

During November this girl and Grimly went to an indoor pony event in the midlands with Trinity Pup and Single-glove and Geetwo and Maxi along with other friends. Great fun!


“Ok, so this girl is a *little* bit behind with her blog! It just seems lately life is really busy and she does not have as much time to be behind the computer as she once had. Unsure if that’s good or bad? Anyway, this girl had not got around to posting these pictures of one of the shoots Captive Kink did with her and Trinity Pup. It seemed a good time to post these given this girl saw Pup again last week lol.”

All in all 2011 was a pretty good year since it was the year this girl and Grimly got married and had the most amazing honeymoon:)

2012 will be perhaps a little strange as there are many adjustments on the way and Grimly will be moving here in March which will be slightly strange. He has already started remodelling the garage and improving things here and so will have a far better workshop than he had before to make devious creations!

Though it’s all slightly scary and unknown!


Filed under: annual review, BDSM relationships, consensual slavery, Gallery, ponyplay, switching, Visit to JG Leathers Tagged: annual review, BDSM, fetish, honeymoon, pictures, wedding